So I Published A Magazine

Title: So I Published A Magazine
Author: Lorraine Phillips
ISBN: 9780988953536
Full color Interior, 286pp
Hardcover $29.95, Paperback $27.95
Available from:,,
Barnes & Noble
and all major book retailers.

About The Book

Have you ever thought about publishing a magazine and wondered what it would take? How would you like direct access to independent publishers who have done just that? What questions would you ask? What would you want to know? Where would you even begin? Lorraine Phillips has done all the hard work for you by taking the time to sit down with sixteen publishers from around the globe in order to find out what it really takes to start and run a magazine from the ground up. She asked questions like:

* How did you fund your magazine?
* What was your initial vision for the publication?
* Did you do any market research or create a business plan prior to launching?
* How do you attract readers?
* How do you attract advertisers?
* How important is social media to your operation?
* How do you plan each issue?
* Who handles your distribution?
* What factors contribute to the success or failure of a magazine?
And much, much more!

Together, these publishers will help you create the blueprint for your very own publication. Featured magazines include: Blow, Cereal, Concrete Wave, Delayed Gratification, Disegno, HOLO, IdN, Katachi, Lionheart, Little White Lies, PAPER, Sneaker Freaker, Things & Ink, 3x3, Very Nearly Almost (VNA) and Wax Poetics.

About The Author

Lorraine Phillips

Lorraine Phillips attended Jackson State University, where she received an MBA in business administration and a BS in computer science, graduating both programs with honors and distinction. She later went on to earn an AA in graphic design from Bauder College and was elected to Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities & Colleges for outstanding merit and accomplishments.

Lorraine, former publisher of SisterPower Magazine, is a creative information technology professional with over fourteen years’ experience in planning, developing and publishing print, internet and digital projects. She has published six books, with subjects ranging from personal motivation to magazine publishing to online marketing and promotion.

As an author Lorraine has received several awards. Her books have been recognized for exhibiting superior levels of creativity and originality as well as high standards of design and production quality. She was also selected for what is one of the country’s most respected book awards, being named a Benjamin Franklin Awards silver finalist in the Business and Economics category for excellence in book editorial and design.

Lorraine is currently a freelance user experience designer. As a dynamic speaker, author, freelancer and coach, it is her mission to help people achieve their personal and professional dreams. As she puts it in her own words, “It's exactly what I was born to do!”

Magazine Business Plan

You’ve read the book, thought about it and now it's time for a plan. A business plan:

* Enables you to map out and strategize the future of your business
* Outlines the resources you will need
* Helps to estimate your start-up and ongoing costs
* Allows you to set measurable goals and objectives so you always know where you stand
* Makes you evaluate and study the competition
* Helps you understand your market and figure out how to satisfy them
* Aids in deriving a marketing plan that can effectively reach your audience
* Makes you look for and determine potential advertisers
* Can be used to raise funds or attract investors
* Most importantly, determines whether or not your business model can function at a profit

Download a sample magazine business plan priced at $24.99 $19.99 NOW!

You will be provided with a download link after purchase.
This download requires Winzip, MS-Excel, MS-Word and Adobe Reader (or the equivalents).

Note: No two magazine publishing scenarios or business plans will be the same, therefore the information provided should be used as a general guide only and should be modified and adapted to fit your particular needs.

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